Saturday, August 20, 2011

colour happy

The sun shone today.

This photo was taken late in the day, after Fabric a Brac - so may not be the best.  My kid's have nicknamed this the Funky Baby Quilt because of the colours.  Apparently it is only suitable for a funky baby with 'tude!

A close-up.

I decided on a very simple block pattern as that was all my brain could handle this week; plus I wanted a bit of instant gratification, something I could start and finish in one sitting.  The finished block size is 6 inches.  Interesting fact - you can get nine 6.5 inch squares out of one metric fat quarter (as long as you don't screw any up and cut them 5.5 inches ).  As a more recent quilter this is the kind of infomation I need to know.

I am considering quilting it myself - most probably straight lines - but.... I could chicken out.  So maybe I am still not a quilter, but only a topper?


Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Quilt it!! Straight lines are the best!! Just make sure you spray-baste to keep your sanity!

Jacqui said...

Oh that's gorgeous! I'm about to shoot you an email to find out how much of each fabric you used because I want to make one for a friend's little boy.

I gather 505 spray is the way to go for spray-basting. I'm trying to find a good source here in NZ but it's pretty expensive!