Thursday, September 29, 2011

getting ready

I have been doing Markets on both Saturdays and Sundays recently at the Wellington market.

I am supposedly meant to take a day or two "off" during the week.  But when you work for yourself that does not necessarily happen.  By about Thursday night I am thinking about getting ready for the weekend.

The things I love about doing the markets are the really great people you get to meet - both fellow stall holders and customers. 

Some of my market buddies include Michelle and Nick from Whirlwind Designs, who make a whole range of items and amogst them the coolest wind sculptures, which are very apt for Windy Wellington.  Here is Wendy...

And Jo from Blueberry Art with his soft German accent and cheekiness.  He sells bags and hats which are all hand made by his wife Maggie.  I will have to take some photos this weekend - they are amazing. 

I also have some very helpful assistants Jack (16) comes and helps me set up and Midget (14) keeps me company in the afternoon and Mr Stitchbird makes yummy lunches and comes in and spends some time.  Best of all it does not feel like work.  That's what happens when you are doing the thing you love, with people you love.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

rabbits, tennis and other gorgeousness

Look who arrived in the mail today from Louise aka Prairie Mouse!  I have called him Rafa.  Louise and I share an appreciation of good tennis and Rafa, which is strictly sporting you understand.  Rafa and many of his friends were knitted into the night whilst watching the US Open.  Louise has posted the link to the pattern for Rafa for those who are interested.  Louise - I love him and he is keeping me company at my computer. 

And on my blog hopping travels  - what did I spy over at es design - some gorgeous cushions made from vintage dishes.  Eleanor and her team have a store in Marion Street full of scrumptiousness.  I drool over her second hand mid century chairs,  (one day...).  I must admit to sometimes feeling intimidated by some interior design stores and the people in them - that whole too cool for school attitude - not at es design, they are just very friendly and helpful.

And some more gorgeousness from one of my lovely customers, Janine -  

A Babushka and Cat dress.  And this dress which Janine made out of one fat quarter of the the cat's meow...

Ada must be one of the best dressed babies!

The other gorgeousness is the lovely sunshine.  Hope you are having a great day where you are.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Giveaway Winners

Under very strict supervision the winners were drawn and they are:

The Baker's Twine Pack - Sunnybec

The Daiwabo Pack - Leonie

The Kokka Pack - Debbie

The Echino Pack - Jess

The Heather Ross Pack - Sarah Gough

The Spots Pack - Heidee Hantz

Congratulations!  I will email you all regarding getting your addresses etc for posting your goodies.

And thank you to everyone else who entered.

P.S. Debbie - I do not have your contact details can you please email me, my email address can be found on my blogger profile or in the store.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Case Makeover - and last few days for the giveaway

Before photos - found one tired school case at the op shop.

I loved the lettering - I think JNC went to Palmerston North High School.  The inside looking a bit tatty.

And after...

I used steam a seam fusible web to line the case with the Vintage Roses from Kokka.  If you have never used steam a seam before - there is a warning - it can be addictive.  It is a bit like when you first discover sellotape as a child! 

Also if you have not already entered the giveaway it is still on - you can check it out here.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Thank You Giveaway

Hi remember me?  I fell off for a bit, but am trying to hop back on this blog thingy and I thought I would do so with the giveaway I have been promising.

Lots of new fabrics and bakers twine have arrived in store and there are 6 great giveaway packs to be won.

Here's what you have to do to enter:
  1. Check out the giveaways below and select the 3 you would most like to win.
  2. Leave a comment on my blog letting me know your threee favourites.
  3. Make sure I have a way of contacting you - if your email is linked to your blogger profile that is fine.
  4. You can be anywhere in the world Eketahuna or Timbuktu - I don't mind I will send it to you!
You don't have to become a follower or even like me on Facebook - I will like you anyway :0) and put your name in the draw - but if you would like to that is much appreciated.

So what is on offer?  Is it good?  If you have been a lurker on my blog and are yet to leave a comment this could be your chance...

The Bakers Twine Pack

10 metres of each colour of Bakers Twine in store.  That's 11 colours.

The Daiwabo Pack

A fat quarter of each of the following fabrics...

The Kokka Pack

A fat quarter of each of the following fabrics...

Echino Pack

A fat quarter of each of the following fabrics...

Heather Ross Far Far Away 3 Pack

60 cms of Snow White and a fat quarter of the other fabrics shown here...

Big on Spots Pack (because if you don't already know I am big on spots)

A fat quarter of each of the following fabrics...
Very Spotty Duck Egg Blue; French Navy, French Red, Going Dotty Green, Going Dotty Pink , Going Dotty Raspberry
I will leave comments open until at least next weekend (that's 25th September).

So thank you for supporting Stitchbird Fabrics and me in my crafting and blogging endeavours and lastly...
Good Luck!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Bring it on...

It has been one of those weeks and I have nobody to blame but myself. 

A speeding ticket for going 56 km per hour in a 50 km zone

Walking up to the car to find a parking warden writing a ticket - I was 6 minutes over

Going to collect my business cards for the second time... there still not ready... when I finally get them they are the wrong ones (not my fault).

Now that is 3.  Do you think the big guy can stop messing with me now? I am grateful it is only small stuff and I am trying not to sweat it.  But Mr S has been teasing me, going round making camera noises like he is a speed camera. Geez why did I marry him?  Oh yes that's right because he is so supportive and was even seen selling fabric and trying to talk knowledgeably about fabric, patterns and the like.  I guess he does listen to me after all!

Sorry this has been a bit of a no blog zone.  I am still trying to make sense of the fabric that has arrived.  I am hoping to do a giveaway next week to celebrate the fabrics arrival, so please stay tuned. 

Night-night, I better go to bed as I have a big market in the morning.

 And because I feel like a nice photo to end on....