Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Thank You Giveaway

Hi remember me?  I fell off for a bit, but am trying to hop back on this blog thingy and I thought I would do so with the giveaway I have been promising.

Lots of new fabrics and bakers twine have arrived in store and there are 6 great giveaway packs to be won.

Here's what you have to do to enter:
  1. Check out the giveaways below and select the 3 you would most like to win.
  2. Leave a comment on my blog letting me know your threee favourites.
  3. Make sure I have a way of contacting you - if your email is linked to your blogger profile that is fine.
  4. You can be anywhere in the world Eketahuna or Timbuktu - I don't mind I will send it to you!
You don't have to become a follower or even like me on Facebook - I will like you anyway :0) and put your name in the draw - but if you would like to that is much appreciated.

So what is on offer?  Is it good?  If you have been a lurker on my blog and are yet to leave a comment this could be your chance...

The Bakers Twine Pack

10 metres of each colour of Bakers Twine in store.  That's 11 colours.

The Daiwabo Pack

A fat quarter of each of the following fabrics...

The Kokka Pack

A fat quarter of each of the following fabrics...

Echino Pack

A fat quarter of each of the following fabrics...

Heather Ross Far Far Away 3 Pack

60 cms of Snow White and a fat quarter of the other fabrics shown here...

Big on Spots Pack (because if you don't already know I am big on spots)

A fat quarter of each of the following fabrics...
Very Spotty Duck Egg Blue; French Navy, French Red, Going Dotty Green, Going Dotty Pink , Going Dotty Raspberry
I will leave comments open until at least next weekend (that's 25th September).

So thank you for supporting Stitchbird Fabrics and me in my crafting and blogging endeavours and lastly...
Good Luck!


Mrs Knight said...

Whoah, i want to buy all this lovely delish sweetness!!! but to win oooo...
The Kokka Pack
heather Ross far far away
Bakers twine


Stella said...

I popped over to read your blog, and then got totally sidetracked looking through your store and dying of desire for some of your new stuff (or new to me anyway), and then came back to read the rest of your post - only to find that some of it is in this giveaway! In fact, everything about this giveaway is completely lovely!!

Also, in your gallery there is an image of a 'Day at the zoo' lampshade - do you still stock that fabric? Would love to get hold of it someday, so beautiful!!! Equally obsessed with Kokka and Heather Ross, and a few others that I can't name off the top of my head... Just lovely.

Stella said...

Oh, I missed naming my third fav in this giveaway - bakers twine! And I see that Stace has all the same favourites as me, ha!

Peach Rainbow said...

Thank you for the lovely giveaway!
I'd love the Big on Spots Pack :D

Cal said...

So hard to choose one, love all the fabric collections!
Ok, so the three top ones, for me:
Daiwabo, echino and Heather Ross Far Far Away.

Sarita Leone said...

Oh, how wonderful!

I love the spots, the kokka and daiwabo.

snowdance1 at gmail dot com

The Vintage Girls said...

Agreed it is hard to choose! I am totally in love with bakers twine at the moment so that would be number 1
2, the kokka Pack then the Heather Ross far far away


Jacqui said...

Can I just move in with you? I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time at your shop at the moment, it would save time! I'd love the bakers twine, the Heather Ross or the Spots pack the most!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

OK, as I can't be too greedy - I've narrowed down to the 1) Echino, 2) Heather Ross and 3) Twine - but I love them all! Thank you for the opportunity x

Unknown said...

You know me I'm hopeless at making decisions because I love it all !

Sheila said...

Lovely choice but Echino selection wins for me - I can see projects.

Gill said...

Wow! I love them all!
I'd choose the Daiwabo fabric,Heather Ross and the Spots!

Lee said...

How lovely! I follow of course and love your blog! and fabric!
I would choose -
HRoss far far away(daughter love horses!)
Kokko pack - love those french dogs
echinopack - adore those scooters! thanks again!

Surely Stitching said...

I've just discovered your blog and your shop - and I love finding new fabric shops! Lovely giveaway, too! My top three are Heather Ross, Echino and Daiwabo.

Sunnybec said...

Hi my choice would be 1, 3 and 6. I follow you! Thanks for the giveaway. Linda

Sunflower Skies said...

Hmm my favorites are the Heather Ross pack, the Echino pack and the Kokka pack! Very cute. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.


Sarah @ mila+cuatro said...

It was lovely to meet you the other weekend at the market, what a fabulous giveaway! My favourite three would be: Kokka; Heather Ross; and Daiwabo. Marvelous!

BigLittle said...

Hi My favourties would be the Kokka or Heather Ross. I am SO in love with the little vintage rabbits :) My third would be the bakers twine. Very generous giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Hi! My choices are Heather Ross, the spots and the twine! Thanks for the chance to win!!

suzyserfontein at yahoo dot com


Debbie said...

Oh I would love the Kokka pack, the twine and the spots. But they are all so gorgeous!

Alex O said...

What a lovely way to start the day reading your blog with the chance to win a giveaway. I love Heather Ross and Daiwabo, my son just loves the Echino and so we have three.

Michele T said...

Wow! Awesome choices!! I would choose fabric and love the polka dots! Thanks for your generosity!

Anonymous said...

They are all just delish! My picks are Heather Ross, Echino and the spots. Thanks for the chance to win. Will email you so you have my details rather than posting it here for the world to see...

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, so much choice! I'd love the Kokka pack, Heather Ross Far Far Away, and the Echino pack - I've just finished my first quilt and I can't wait to get started on another one!

Anonymous said...

I'm not actually sure if my profile does link to my email address, so it's :)

arncar said...

I enjoy reading your updates thanks. What a lovely selection of giveaways but my choice would be Daiwabo, Heather Ross and the spots.

Anonymous said...

Definately fabric is always my favorite. The Heather Ross, Echino and Kokka would be the three!

SewLindaAnn said...

Wow, that's a big thank you on your part. My 3 picks, in order are Kokka, Echino and Baker's Twine. Thanks!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Thanks! I like the Echino, Heather Ross and Daiwbo!

barb said...

Love the echino, the twine and the spots AND trawling through looking at everything!

Katie said...

Wow - fab giveaway! My top 3 would be the bakers twine, big on spots and echino in that order :-)

Deb Robertson Writes said...

I've been wanting that twine for ages, I didn't know you sold it! I also love the Spots (you can't have too many) and the Heather Ross (adorable).

Sarah Gough said...

What an awesome giveaway! my faves are the Heather Ross, Kokka and the Daiwabo Pack.

Nice to see you blogging again!

Jess said...

Oh! All so lovely... my top three are the Kokka pack, the Echino pack and the Heather Ross Far Far Away 3 Pack. Was great to see you when I was in Wellington at the Underground market... now back home, I will have to resort back to online shopping!

Jess x

Anonymous said...

You stock the best fabrics!
I love the Heather Ross, Kokka and the Daiwabo Packs :)

hiedeehantz said...

Wow - gorgeous fabrics. Absolutely LOVE the bakers twine, Kokka and spots!

Thanks for the beautifully wrapped fabric this week! It's exciting waiting for Stitchbird parcels to arrive

Anonymous said...

Lovely gorgeousness
My favs are the Bakers twine, Heather Ross far far away and Daiwabo. Fingers crossed.

lbhaydon said...

You have such wonderful material!
My favs are: Echino, Far far away, and Kokka, although that sewing box fabric is fabulous.

Megan said...

another awesome giveaway! I love the Bakers Twine, the Kokka pack and the Echino packs :)

Jennifer said...

Ooh I love these ones:
Heather Ross
and the Spots!

Great store by the way :)


remaliah said...

Hi! I have just discovered your blog! My three favourites are... the Spots pack, the Daiwabo pack and the Bakers Twine pack! :)

Andrea said...

WOW...what to choose...ok my 3 favs are Heather Ross, Kokka & Spots.

Fay said...

Wow, gorgeous fabrics! My 3 would have to be: Daiwabo, Echino and Bakers Twine.

Tessa said...

I love heather ross! Made a quilt out of some of her older fabrics, I would love to do another. And the twine, LOVE!!

Thanks for offering this, it is all just so stunning

Leonie said...

Ha I was on your store website just yesterday and unable to make up my mind on what fabric I wanted so gave up to come back another day when I have more willpower to made a decision and only choose what I need! Gorgeous goodies. My top 3 would have to be Heather Ross, Kokka and Daiwabo. Love your work! :)

Bridget said...

I love your blog! My three favourites would be the bakers twine, the spots and the echino

MissMollyCoddle said...

Bakers twine, spots and kokka would have to be my favourites... though they're all fantastic generous giveaways!!!

tartankiwi said...

What a great giveaway! So difficult to choose, but I think my favourites are the twine, Daiwabo and spots.

Notchka said...

Funny - I was just browsing through your shop the other day - just working out my wishlist! I love the new scooters print and the Scandinavian birds.... for your giveaways top three are the Bakers twine, I'm still a total sucker for Heather Ross' Far Far Away and you can't go pass the spots pack. Thanks for the opportunity

Anonymous said...

Hi! I love your shop and all your fabrics.

I'd love to win the Echino Pack, The Daiwabo Pack, or the Bakers Twine Pack.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Jennifer Joshua said...

Mine favs wills be
kokka pack
far far away pack
spots pack.
love to win

CMEH said...

I think choosing three is hard because I would be excited about ANY of them.... but my top three would be Echino Pack
Heather Ross pack
Kokka set
Daiwabo Pack

thanks for a great giveaway!

Alexa H said...

I adore the Bakers Twine, the Kokka pack and the Echino pack! Thanks for the giveaway :)

Leanne said...

Fantastic giveaway! My favourites are:

The Daiwabo Pack
Echino Pack
Big on Spots Pack

WandaFish said...

What a stunning giveaway, thank you! I love everything you've put together but I guess my top 3 would be:
Kokka, Heather Ross and Spots :)

thegingerkat said...

How exciting, what a wonderful Store and Blog. I would love to be in the draw to win one of your lovely giveaways. I would love anything but my 3 picks would be:

Bakers Twine
Big on Spots
The Daiwabo pack

Thanks so much.

thegingerkat said...

I'm having a blonde day, tried to send you a message to say I just love your Shop and Blog. What beautiful fabrics you have. I would love to go in the draw to win one of your lovely giveaways.

Bakers Twine
Big on Spots
The Daiwabo Pack

I hope I haven't sent this more than once, my computer keeps locking up.

Anonymous said...

Very cool stuff, I'm new to your blog and think its great!

I love:

Big on Spots
Heather Ross Far Far away
Bakers Twine.


sunshinedesigns said...

OH how gorgeous!! Bakers Twine, Heather Ross and Spots! Cheers

Jane said...

Oh PICK ME PICK ME!!! :-) Lovely lovely fabrics! I like the Kokka Pack; Heather Ross far far away and the bakers Twine.


Emilie Fleur Neubauer said...

Hi Just got your spring email - sadly we have moved to the US, I made some beautiful baby patchwork from fabric I bought from you at the knack ... I will try to post a picture next week - missing Welly and all that craftyness - love your fabrics so much xx

Would love the Kokka pack, bakers twine and the echino pack ... Thank YOU !

CAM said...

Nothing like gorgeous fabrics to reawaken the child within and inspire future projects. :-) Sooo easy to get sidetracked, but the Kokka, Echino and Baker's Twine packs are the top three for me.

Anonymous said...

I am one of the 'blog lurkers', but have also loved being a customer and creating goodies from your wonderful fabrics! Heather Ross, Echino, or the twine would be fab, but honestly, with such a great selection, winning any of the packs would feel like Christmas!

Ashlee said...

i LOVE them all - lurve lurve lurve!

Tracey said...

Oh I love all these new fabrics, so gorgeous!
My favourite 3 are: Heather Ross (love the horses!), Kokka, Spots

traceydotwilliamson at gmaildotcom

Anonymous said...

gorgeous gear! what a fabulous giveaway. i would love love love the big on spots pack, daiwabo pack or bakers twine...fingers crossed :)

tuffsonestate at slingshot dot co dot nz

Beverley said...

It's all so yummy ... but I'm such a practical girl and I can't stop thinking of the million and one uses for 110 metres of Bakers Twine. And then of course there's the practicality of the Big on Spots pack ... those spots would go so well with the collection I seem to be creating of pretty stitchbird fabrics. And of course to extend my collection any of those fabric packs would go nicely ... but I think the Heather Ross Far Far Away fabrics would look just perfect sitting on the shelf at my house!

Lesley said...

Oh my that's a very generous selection of goodies! I must order some more stuff... but... for now here are my selections incase I get lucky!
The Echino
The Heather Ross
The Bakers Twine
: )

Craftysquirrel said...

It's a very tough choice - my 3 favorites are: the bakers twine, echino and the spots packs.

Anonymous said...

What a hard choice to decide on just 3, they are all great prizes. But if you must insist :-)

1. Echino
2. Heather Ross
3. Daiwabo

Thanks for the opportuninty for another giveaway.

robin said...

Nice! I like the Dots, the Echino, or the Daiwabo. :)

Karyn said...

Love the spots and bakers' twine!

Briana D. said...

I like...The Kokka Pack, Big on Spots Pack, and The Daiwabo Pack

Anonymous said...

Oh how lovely!
I like the Echino Pack (because big boys fabrics are sooo hard to find), the Heather Ross Far Far Away 3 Pack (becuase I'm an addict) and the Daiwabo pack. Thanks ever so much for the extra bits in my last parcel too Lyndy. You are such a Sweetie! jvannini(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I luurve the kokka, echino + bakers twine packs.

And I have 'liked' you on FB!

Philippa said...

Goodness you are a popular wee thing. Well done you. I'd pick Spots, Twine & Echino.

Thanks for the comments - I've finished the bonnet and posted more on it for you. Hope to catch up with you soon. Take care. P

Verna G said...

What a wonderful giveaway.
My choices are;
Daiwabo Pack
Kokka Pack
Heather Ross Far Far Awy.

THey are lovely!

jinglebugs said...

Ooh, just having to decide between the fabric packs has jump started my imagination after a bit of a break from crafting. My favourites would be the baker's twine, Daiwabo and Echino packs.

Bec Monk said...

Cute. Love the bakers twine, bakers twine and bakers twine (actually the bakers twine, Heather Ross far far away and the Kokka pack). It is all very beautiful!

SnuggleB said...

oooh lovely,
The Kokka Pack
Heather Ross

SnuggleB said...

OOhhh Lovely,
Heather Ross

very hard to choose though!!!

Siobhan said...

Oooh, what to pick?

Daiwabo, Heather Ross and the spotties it is.

Henria O. said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! My three favorites are:
The Kokka Pack
Big on Spots Pack
The Bakers Twine Pack

Thank you very much for this chance!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com

Tracy said...

I have missed your blog posts heaps, I'm glad you are back :)To tell you a secret sometimes I just hop into your store and browse through all your lovely fabric and imaginging all the stuff I could do with it.

My top three picks would be...
1. big on spots
2. Echino pack
3. Bakers twine

Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway :)

- Tracy

Marcia W. said...

Wonderful selection - thanks for the chance to enter
1)Big on Spots
2)Heather Ross FFA

Becs said...

heather ross far far away
bakers twine

are my picks, lovely!