Sunday, August 3, 2014

From our Garden - Survival of the Fittest

Our garden is a wonderful proof of survival of the fittest.  Unfortunately at this time of year the fittest seem to be the weeds.  My question is how come when everything else struggles to survive the winter, the weeds grow rampantly?  And why didn't the gardening gurus decide that weeds were really wonderful and should be cultivated - bastards!

These are a few of the survivors:  


Sarah @ mila+cuatro said...

I went to a talk a few months ago by Robert Guyton (who writes for the NZ Gardener - and has a forest garden in Riverton), and he is of the opinion that we should love all plants, even the weeds, because they all have a role to play (often they are mineral accumulators) and can tell you alot about your soil. But that just don't look pretty, do they? And that is their downfall.

Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

Lovely flowers - yes, why can't they take over instead of the weeds?